— random words about literature, culture, or arts
It's alright for them to be newts just as long as they're not Marxists
Karel Capek "The War with the Newts"
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The Tyranny of the Camera
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Ukrainian literature in English
Find out where you can read the English translations of Ukrainian literature
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Stéphane Mallarmé, the anti-symbolist
Learn about how semiotic theories of Owen Barfield and Charles Sanders Peirce make Stéphane Mallarmé an anti-symbolist
The Odyssey — a literary and axiological revolution
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The World through the Prism of Kabbalah
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Virginia Woolf's "Mrs Dalloway" on the Intersection of Literature, Art and Cinema
Discover the influences of Impressionism, Cubism, Stream of Consciousness and Cinema on Virginia Woolf's "Mrs Dalloway"
The Darkness of Human Unconscious in Golding's "Lord of the Flies"
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What is aestheticism?
Learn about the influence of aestheticism on modern culture and the way Oscar Wilde contributed to it